Investing in the Colombian Stock Market
Another option for legalizing investments in Colombia is via the Colombian stock market. This isn’t the most common choice for foreign investors. Many prefer to buy stocks in small companies that aren’t listed on the stock market (even if it’s not their own company) in order to qualify for the Colombian investor’s visa. However, the Colombian stock market is an option for investors that you should be aware of.
Bolsa de Valores
The Colombian stock market, or Bolsa de Valores, website has information in English as well as Spanish. There are fewer than 200 companies on the exchange in a variety of sectors, giving you lots of opportunity for investment. Small companies are not included on the stock market here. There are no penny stocks in Colombia.
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Steady Growth
The Colombian stock market has shown steady growth over the last 10 years, and tends to remain positive even during international market slow-downs.

How We Can Help
Colombia Legal & Associates is not a financial advisory organization. While we can help you open an account with a investment bank so you can make your own investment decisions regarding the Colombia, stock market, we do not provide financial advice.
We do, however, offer tax planning services and accounting services to meet your needs as you build a life in Colombia. Contact us for more information.